Sheba Rasson

Where do you currently work?
I work at Google.

How long have you been on the Next Gen Steering Committee?
I have been on the committee since 2019.

Why did you join the Next Gen Steering Committee?
I was drawn to Next Gen because of my family’s journey as immigrants. Both my parents arrived in the United States with next to nothing, my mother as a refugee, and my father as a student. Through the help of organizations like HFLS, my parents were able to pursue the American dream and slowly build a flourishing life in the United States. I see so many parallels between my upbringing and the lives of those that HFLS changes every day.

Where did you go to college and what did you study?
I went to college at Southern Methodist University, where I studied Business and Psychology.

What is one interesting/fun fact about yourself?
I’ve traveled to over 50 countries.